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A physical, expressionistic assault on the relentless pressure of urban life at its breaking point.

Fragments of a lost relationship ghost past at breakneck speed. Malcolm and Julia are young, independent, and successful. But when you're up at 6, home at 9, and can't remember the weekend, success can feel more like a constant race with failure - if you can slow down long enough to feel anything.  


In Touch questions the unholistic expectations of our society: the disconnection of mind from body, work from play, sex from love, and one person from another.


Malcolm (Christopher Samuel Carroll) and Julia (Roseanne Lynch) have let their relationship die. The story moves in episodes back and forth through fragmentary scenes, hinting at what was squandered, and the isolation of each of their lives since. This failed relationship between two individuals becomes a prism to inspect the alienation of city life in Dublin, satirising corporate culture and reflecting the lifestyle of a failed economy.

We see in In Touch an interrogation of contemporary human contact, set against the background of a society that is more and more removed from itself; diluted by a devaluation of commitment, over-emphasis of the economy as a panacea for spiritual hunger, and a distracted, media-saturated culture.


No Ordinary Fool

"Christopher Samuel Carroll and Roseanne Lynch both deliver very strong performances in this impressively energetic depiction of modern day Ireland... A relevant play for the times, it merits an extended run." 



Christopher Samuel Carroll

Roseanne Lynch


Project Arts Centre,

The Theatremachine Turns You On Festival, Dublin

1-2 December 2009

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